Friday 13 February 2015

March 8: 2 pm: FELIX & MEIRA

Sunday, March 8: 2 pm
Dir: Maxime Giroux  105 minutes
Cast: Martin Dubreuil, Hadas Yaron, Luzer Twersky

An unusual romance blos­soms between two lost souls who inhabit the same neigh­bourhood but vastly different worlds. Meira, a young Hasidic Jewish mother in Montreal's Mile End dis­trict, secretly rebels against her faith by listening to soul music and taking birth control pills; Félix is a loner grieving the recent death of his estranged father.

Intrigued by Meira, Félix hopes her religious devotion will provide insight into his loss, and though she rebuffs him at first, a mutual affection soon arises between the two. As Meira's desire for change becomes harder for her to hide, the young woman is faced with a stark choice: remain within the
community she has always known, or pursue an uncertain future outside of it.  

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